martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Columbus' voyages

Use this map (or any other you can find) to draw the different voyages that Christopher Columbus took to the New Found Land. Also, add the following information:

- Year and place of departure and arrival of each voyage,
- Any new places discovered in each one.

Descendants of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon

Map of Tourism of Spain

This map is going to be very important in this unit:

Charles V's vast inheritance

Greek's Gods

Pick a God or Goddess and write a short essay about them. Don't forget to draw a picture!

The Olympic Games

1) For what two reasons was the year 776 BC so important?
2) Name four sports played over the history of the Olympic games?
3) What happened in 391 AD?

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

Paul Preston y la Guerra Civil

Disfrutad de un extracto del fabuloso libro en formato cómic, ilustrado por el malagueño José Pablo García: