martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Columbus' voyages

Use this map (or any other you can find) to draw the different voyages that Christopher Columbus took to the New Found Land. Also, add the following information:

- Year and place of departure and arrival of each voyage,
- Any new places discovered in each one.

Descendants of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon

Map of Tourism of Spain

This map is going to be very important in this unit:

Charles V's vast inheritance

Greek's Gods

Pick a God or Goddess and write a short essay about them. Don't forget to draw a picture!

The Olympic Games

1) For what two reasons was the year 776 BC so important?
2) Name four sports played over the history of the Olympic games?
3) What happened in 391 AD?

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

Paul Preston y la Guerra Civil

Disfrutad de un extracto del fabuloso libro en formato cómic, ilustrado por el malagueño José Pablo García:

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2018

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Go to the website and look for information about Egyptian gods.
Look for Amun, Horus, Ra, Anubis, Isis, Osiris and Seth, and write the following information in your notebook:
  • Name (also in Hieroglyph)
  • How were they represented? (draw it in your notebook)
  • Describe their function. What powers or attributes did they have?

Reporteros en el tiempo

Map of Spanish Industrial Structure

This map is going to be very important for us in this unit. This map is much better than the one in the book, so take it into account:

Mommify me!

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

Fuentes de Energía en Popplet

Gracias, Rocío, tu esquema es uno de los mejores y por ello se merece se publicado en nuestro blog de clase:

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018

Here comes History!

We are leaving Geography behind and diving into history. Some of you are happy, some of you are sad, but take a look at how videogames can help us studying:

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

A little help for your homework

You can't take your English books with you but you can use these images for your work on extreme climate landscapes:

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Organic Food

Is organic food always good for you?

Fair Trade

Watch this video to know more about Fair Trade. If you want extra credits, find some fair trade products and bring a leaflet or flyer to class.

Landscapes' Visual Thinking

Let's take this Oceanic Landscape's draw as an example to complete the rest of the temperate landscapes. Good luck!

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Sandhurst Manifesto by Cánovas del Castillo

"Por virtud de la espontánea y solemne abdicación de mi augusta madre, tan generosa como infortunada, soy único representante yo del derecho monárquico en España [...].
Who was the mother of Alfonso XII? Where was she living? Why?

Afortunadamente la Monarquía hereditaria y constitucional posee en sus principios la necesaria flexibilidad y cuantas condiciones de acierto hacen falta para que todos los problemas que traiga su restablecimiento consigo sean resueltos de conformidad con los votos y la conveniencia de la nación.
Why did he want to remark the good values of the hereditary monarchy?

No hay que esperar que decida yo nada de plano y arbitrariamente; sin Cortes no resolvieron los negocios arduos los Príncipes españoles allá en los antiguos tiempos de la Monarquía, y esta justísima regla de conducta no he de olvidarla yo en mi condición presente, y cuando todos los españoles están ya habituados a los procedimientos parlamentarios. Llegado el caso, fácil será que se entiendan y concierten las cuestiones por resolver un príncipe leal y un pueblo libre.
Is his intention to establish an absolute monarchy? Why?

Nada deseo tanto como que nuestra patria lo sea de verdad. A ello ha de contribuir poderosamente la dura lección de estos tiempos, que si para nadie puede ser perdida todavía lo será menos para las honradas y laboriosas clases populares, víctimas de sofismas pérfidos o de absurdas ilusiones.
Who lied to the working classes? Why were they wrong?

[...] Sea lo que quiera mi propia suerte, ni dejaré de ser buen español, ni como todos mis antepasados, buen católico, ni, como hombre del siglo, verdaderamente liberal."
How is he presenting himself, like a conservative or a progressist?

Sandhurst Manifesto. 1st of December 1874. Alfonso XII

Multinational Companies

Let's talk about the real deal. The World's greatest companies today are multinationals. Find one company of your choice, inside the energy and industrial sector, and write a report, based in the following items:
  • Introduction: sector and activity,
  • Headquarter's location (how is that country or place?),
  • Star products and popularity,
  • Profits: recent economic evolution,
  • Outsourcing: branches or subsidiaries in other countries,
  • Controversies and criticism: any recent irregularities?
  • Sources (more than Wikipedia, please)...

martes, 9 de enero de 2018

Women during Francoism

In 2016 it is difficult to believe what the society proposed to women in Spain in the 20th century. It is very well explained in the following blog. Please, click here to proceed.

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How poor are we?

I knoooooow... it's in Spanish but I couldn't find a better example to explain the situation of some families in Spain, as it's directly related to our book. Take a look at it and reconsider your idea of being poor, even in developed countries:

Salvados 12x03 Pobreza energética por luisroybean